Psychological Counseling and Guidance *

Aims and Objectives
The aim of the department is to train students to be able to provide psychological counselling and guidance in various fields where this service is needed. Students who graduate from this department are expected to be subject specialists who are equipped with the skills, theoretical knowledge and abilities to deal with institutional and personal needs of their clients. The courses given by the department such as communication skills between people, basic living skills, and theory of physical, cognitive and psycho-social development have a significant role in training of happy, productive, responsive and easy-going individuals.

Employment Opportunities
The graduates of this department can find employment opportunities in various sectors such as education and business sectors. Graduates can be recruited by schools giving education at all levels, by commercial institutions which offer psychological counselling and guidance to their employees, by state departments where such guidance and counselling services are offered, by the Ministry of Education, and can privately open clinics to offer service to the public.

Departmental Facilities
The department has two computer labs, one with 20 computers and the other with 30 computers, where students can conduct their studies. The department employs highly qualified teaching staff and claims to be the most active department in its field in Cyprus. The students are provided with internship facilities at the private and state schools.

The medium of instruction is in Turkish for the Psychological Counseling and Guidance program in Faculty of Education.