Aims and goals
Together with our experienced staff, the skills of sharing knowledge with innovative methods, techniques and theories are instilled in prospective teachers. Application courses are carried out in laboratories. It will adopt the importance of education of the Mentally Retarded by closely following the practices and developments in the field of teacher training. In addition, various activities related to the Education of the Mentally Handicapped will be held during the academic year, and the students in this department will be provided with the opportunity to actively develop themselves in academic settings.
Mission and Vision
To provide students with the basic knowledge and skills that the mentally handicapped teacher should have,
To train teachers who produce and apply knowledge in the field of Mentally Handicapped, constantly improve themselves and produce scientific solutions to problems related to education and training,
To train mentally handicapped teachers who will work in special education institutions,
To train mentally handicapped teachers who can plan, design, implement and evaluate mentally handicapped teacher knowledge in education and training services,
To prepare researches and projects related to the education of the Mentally Retarded,
Education of the Mentally Handicapped is to organize scientific meetings in the field of discipline